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1. 유럽(139개 이동통신사)

With the ongoing threat of wide area wireless technologies, like WiMAX, soon to be deployed, European operators are digging deep to upgrade quickly to HSDPA in order to protect their market position.
World Cellular Information Service from Informa Telecoms & Media, this powerful visual tool provides data ranging from awarded equipment vendor contracts to subscriber growth figures.
2. 아메리카(144개 이동통신사)

At the same time, operators such as Digicel in the Caribbean, are pursuing an aggressive land grab of countries with low penetration and high growth potential.
Researched and designed in association with WCIS, the World Cellular Information Service from Informa Telecoms & Media, this powerful visual tool provides data ranging from awarded equipment vendor contracts to subscriber growth figures.
3. 아시아(163개 이동통신사)

Home to China Mobile, the world's largest mobile operator, and Japan's i-mode inventor NTT DoCoMo, Asia's status as a global wireless leader is indisputable. Vodafone's stake in China Mobile, its spectacular exit from Japan, but $11 billion investment in Hutchison Essar highlight the challenges and opportunities for Western operators
The area has markets at both extremes of wireless adoption; having countries with penetration levels amongst the world's highest and lowest. Significantly, Asia has the largest number of third generation mobile users worldwide.
Researched and designed in association with WCIS, the World Cellular Information Service from Informa Telecoms & Media, this powerful visual tool provides data ranging from awarded equipment vendor contracts to subscriber growth figures.
4. 아프리카, 중동, 러시아 및 기타(225개 이동통신사)

On the other side of the Red Sea, from Russia to Armenia and Turkey to Saudi Arabia, strong infrastructure investment is underway by a mix of local and international carriers.
Researched and designed in association with WCIS, the World Cellular Information Service from Informa Telecoms & Media, this powerful visual tool provides data ranging from awarded equipment vendor contracts to subscriber growth figures.